Building Authentic Relationships
(the BAR)
A monthly video series for building stronger marriages and closer communities.
Start a BAR in Your Parish or Diocese

If your marriage "prep" was anything like ours, it did anything but prepare you for marriage in the trenches...
And if your parish or diocese is like most parishes or dioceses, you probably have little by way of marriage enrichment that translates the Church's wisdom into practical steps you can take toward navigating love's battlefield (que the Pat Benatar music!).
That's where we come in!
Introducing the BAR
We designed Building Authentic Relationships (the BAR) for parishes and dioceses to bring young couples and veteran couples together, so that young couples can glean wisdom from the veterans, and veteran couples can rediscover the enthusiasm of young love.
Your BAR meets in small groups once or twice a month, depending on your schedule, watches a short video together, and then responds to a series of questions specially designed to trigger good times, get folks laughing, encourage couples to share their wisdom and stories, and remind couples why they fell in love to begin with.
After 30+ years and 9 kids of happily ever after, holding our marriage up to the ideal set for us by Jesus Christ Himself (it's true, just crack open your Bible and flip to Ephesians 5:21-33), we've gained insights into what makes a happy marriage that can only come through a life "in the trenches."
Now we want to share those insights with you so that you can build the happier and, yes, holier marriage your heart truly desires.

Gather your friends and start building authentic relationships today!
What Couples Are Saying About The BAR
"Hearing from other married couples gave us more confidence in our relationship. BAR helped us fill in gaps that we sensed were missing but didn't know how to address them. The question prompts provided some structure and the alcohol loosened mouths."
"Chuck and I attended Chris and Linda’s BAR seminars. We found them to be both fun and informative. We have been married for 36 years and we had the chance to meet other couples and share our relationship history. Some couples had shared many years together, while others were just starting out. Regardless of how long you’ve been together, everyone has an opportunity to build and learn more about each other. We enjoyed this greatly and would recommend it to everyone."
“Getting together at the BAR was great fun! We especially enjoyed getting to know couples that have been married many years and hearing about their love stories. Having a drink or two added to the fun. A great opportunity to get out and meet others."